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Better placement


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Could some clever person out there have a look at the way objects are manipulated in the world?


Trying to put a cup on a table can be an exercise in despair. :verymad:

it was easier in Oblivion and a heck of a lot easier in Morrowind.


It seems crazy that you can rotate objects however you want in the inventory but not in the world o_O

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I (and, I suspect, everyone else playing the game) agree with you. However, I think it'd be a lot easier for someone to develop a Skyrim version of Oblivion's "Summon Decorator Assistant", rather than try to overhaul the grab feature. For those of you who never tried it, "Summon Decorator Assistant" placed a small altar at your character's feet. Any object placed on the alter could have it's X, Y, and Z placement and rotation values set with extreme precision, and could then be placed in your house without having to worry about it falling over, rolling away, etc. When finished, the altar could be dispelled.


I'm sure that someone out there is trying to tackle this issue, as it's one of the biggest remaining problems with vanilla Skyrim. Hopefully we'll see a fix in the next few months.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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I (and, I suspect, everyone else playing the game) agree with you. However, I think it'd be a lot easier for someone to develop a Skyrim version of Oblivion's "Summon Decorator Assistant", rather than try to overhaul the grab feature. For those of you who never tried it, "Summon Decorator Assistant" placed a small altar at your character's feet. Any object placed on the alter could have it's X, Y, and Z placement and rotation values set with extreme precision, and could then be placed in your house without having to worry about it falling over, rolling away, etc. When finished, the altar could be dispelled.


I'm sure that someone out there is trying to tackle this issue, as it's one of the biggest remaining problems with vanilla Skyrim. Hopefully we'll see a fix in the next few months.


Thanks for the reply JanusForbeare, I had suspicions that it would be difficult if not impossible.

The decorator assistant sounds like a handy mod, I never saw that one for Oblivion, not sure how I missed that one


yep as you said we will just have to hope someone figures out a fix.

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