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Epic Quest Mods


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Ok. The creation kit is out. What's the news on the big-ass awesome epic fully-voiced quest mods? I know I'm not the only one who's looking forward to them. I also know, unfortunately, these things take time. Have any been made? Are there any in the making yet? Any cool ideas for them?
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I'm working on one now called "Night Terrors." Hopefully I can make it as epic as I see it in my head. But the Creation Kit is very buggy in many situations for very limited reasons when dealing with new world and duplicated cells. :facepalm: Not quite as user friendly as it once was. But hey I think doing voices is supposed to be easier :thumbsup:


As for the mod itself, I'm keeping it relatively a secret, but expect it in 1-3 months depending how much time I get to play around with it. It's hard to get people to make custom content, get people for voices, and run all kinds of tests to make things work the way you want them to. But in 2-3 months I suspect a few will be out. :)


If you would like to help out, there is plenty of space for someone to simply be creative and give us ideas. PM me if you are familiar with the game lore enough to not tell me to add anime characters. :tongue:

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I'm a game idea guy to the point where I can hardly get any modding done for my incessant writing of new mod scripts, quest element summaries, and crap like that. Seems like I only open the editor to find out new things, and maybe make a few cells for fun.


Ok I would have just pm'd that I'd be glad to help good mods with pure Skyrim lore and CK based ideas, but the mention of the voice acting made me feel compelled to throw in:




The bottom even has links people have tagged on there with voice acting specific sites with volunteer voice actors looking for work.


I put the main thing up there this weekend, but members of the sites themselves added the links. I'd never heard of them :D


[Edit: Oh ya, and I'm working on a couple mods, one epic, one good story(imho), less epic]


Do a search for 'Club Obos' That's the most complete quest mod on the nexus I've seen. I really hope I'm missing some though, they're kinda few and far between so soon after the CK release. Why u no release CK with game Bethesda!!! noo!!!!

Edited by SinderionsBones
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Wow that's great. 2 replies in less than a day. Its just that I finished all the guild/faction quests and the game feels..... empty. It's good to see that there are modders out there who feel the same. Keep it up guys. It's people like you that make me (and many others) keep playing these kinds of games- average Joe's and Jane's who have a vision in their mind and the ability as well as discipline to share that vision with the rest of the world. As far as I'm concerned you are all true artists. Thank you.
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