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Mesh editing rules?


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Got to get this clear in my head before I put a mesh mod up on Nexus.


Do you have to credit edited old meshes/textures? Or is a complete edit classed as your own work?


I've got a lot of old meshes that I got no clue whom made them.


Silly question maybe, but has to be asked.

Edited by Gabriel*Raziel
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Is this question too silly to answer?


Is the answer, go look on Google?


Or, is this question like the meaning of life. No one knows.



More like. I'v been impatient, need to give people a bit more time to answer my dumb stupid, questions....


I'll shut up now...

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Unless they were explicitly released under the CC-0 or equivalent license, you need to at least credit, and depending on the license, you may need to get permission to use it first.




Thank you, Wolf of the azar.


I will now Google CC-0.


As a rule, I Google first, last resort, ask on the forums. Just could not be bothered today for some dumb reason.

Edited by Gabriel*Raziel
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Never release a mesh you didn't make unless you know who made it and they have given permission in some form for you to do so. Permission could be granted in the readme file that comes with the mod or in the description on the files mod page, or by contacting the author and asking permission to use their work.


Also, you should ALWAYS credit the author who made the thing you are using, no matter if they ask to be credited or not.


Again, if you don't know who made the mesh/texture, do not release them in a public mod.

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So if you edit an old mesh in Blender, and I mean edited until its unrecognisable, then adding your own texture, the original mesh still needs to be credited?


Absolutely. You didn't make the original mesh, someone else did. Respect them by crediting them for the original mesh.

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So if you start with, say a chicken, then warp the mesh until it looks like a trollicken, still have to credit who made the chicken…


Get it…


My stupidity has been cured!



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