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GetHitLocation is obsolete?


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The wiki says GetHitLocation is obsolete. So my questions are:


1) If GetHitLocation is obsolete, what has it been replaced with and why?


2) What are the GetHitLocation values for all the body parts? So far I've got:


8/6 - Right/Left Arms

13/10 - Right/Left Legs


Thank you for any help.



Edited by gob2
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According to the console command description body is 0, the console command works though it does not help much. They might be the same as biped slots..Then you open any armor and start to count from body like if it was a zero slot (so the next under body will be number 1 etc).

And there are actor values :LeftMobilityCondition, RightMobilityCondition, Perception, etc. When you want to cripple a limbs you damage some of these values.

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According to the console command description body is 0, the console command works though it does not help much. They might be the same as biped slots..Then you open any armor and start to count from body like if it was a zero slot (so the next under body will be number 1 etc).

And there are actor values :LeftMobilityCondition, RightMobilityCondition, Perception, etc. When you want to cripple a limbs you damage some of these values.


Thank you for your reply.

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