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Help with Shell Impact Sounds


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I'm attempting to change the impact sounds of the MF cells ejected from the holorifle after every shot to something other than the default sounds for guns-type metal bullets, but I'm unable to find where I can change the impact sound to something like the sound that plays for ejected shotgun shells, for example. Can anyone help me?

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Not really my area of expertise, but sound files are linked in the artwork (texture ".dds" files as I recall). See the "Music & Sounds" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article. What you want to do is replace the existing "fx" sound file with your own version, so you need to record it the same (or copy the existing shotgun shell sound and rename it) using the same filename as the original sound. There is a rough description of the process in the "Tip: Adding a new sound (noises/fx) file", at the bottom.



Edited by dubiousintent
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I've managed to extract the files for impact sounds for brass shells as well as shot shells, as well as the .nif for the holorifle's casing mf cell. Unfortunately, I'm still coming up short in how to actually tell the GECK to use a different sound, the only entry even mentioning casings in it is under art and sound for what casing model to use. If what audio file it uses is linked to the texture file, I don't even know what program to use. It's funny, the base grenade launcher has shotshell sounds for ejected shells, but not the holorifle. Managed to get it working by changing the entry PHYCasingRifle to use the folder of shotgun SFX, but that's not acceptable, as that changes all weapons that use the rifle casing sound to shotgun as well.

What I'm having trouble with at this point is actually finding any entry, anywhere, that actually shows the PHY selection of casing impact sounds actually assigned to any weapon, let alone the one I'm trying to work with. I can't reassign what sound a weapon uses uses if I can't find where the weapon has been assigned the sound effect in the first place. Any ideas?

Edited by Deborah40
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Blind leading the blind here, but the question is intriguing and seems to be a bit technically esoteric so I did some digging. Nothing as simple as a direct reference, unfortunately. But some clues, I think.


It seems to me what you are dealing with is "collision sounds", as defined by the "material" impact hitting the ground. That seems to be within the province of NifSkope. Searching on "nifskope associate collision sound with material" turned up the following thread:


I've been trying to figure out how to assign impact sounds to objects in Fallout 4.


Take the Broom as an example.

  • PHYWoodBroomImpact [iPCT:001D4A5D] is referenced by PHYWoodBroomImpactSet [iPDS:001D4A5E]
  • PHYWoodBroomImpactSet [iPDS:001D4A5E] is referenced by MaterialWoodBroom [MATT:001D4A52]
  • MaterialWoodBroom [MATT:001D4A52]'s parent material is Material_Wood [MATT:00043DCC]
  • Material_Wood [MATT:00043DCC]'s parent material is Material__GenericMaster [MATT:000223D2]

There are no further links within Fallout4.esm.


Is it possible that the bhkPhysicsSystem blob specifies the MATT used by a NIF?



With the responses:


In Skyrim MATT records correspond to havok material value you set in nif collision nodes. 100% sure it is the same in Fallout 4.





The materials are defined in the bhkPhysicsSystem on a per-triangle basis. If consecutive triangles are the same material, it groups them. So it says something like Tris 0-5 are Material #1, Triangles 6-7 are Material #2, Triangles 8-24 are Material #3, and Triangle 25-26 are Material #1. I haven't yet written a binary parser to read this block's data, but when I do it will likely just be displaying a subset of the data (incl. rendering the collision). No editing. But I do know how to parse it at least.




That seems to fall in line with what you were looking for. You need to identify the material used for the collision sound that you desire. (The tool TESUnity indicates that the various games are identified in NifSkope by "version number", so it knows and uses the correct formats.)


It looks like the actual sound assigned to a material is defined in the engine. Found this for the Unreal4 engine which underlies the Gamebryo engine.


Hope that's enough to get you further along towards your goal.




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In FO3 or FNV the impact sound is referenced in the collision object as HAV_MAT (Havok Material). There's a drop down list from which you can choose the fitting one.


Havok Material will decide: The impact sound, the decal, the particle effect on impact, the sound when walking over, the colliding sound.


These are hard coded. I found 96 Havok Material which are combinations of different thing mention before.

32 of them are the most commonly used by the game.


Mind that that their names don't reflect the effect at all and can be misleading.

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