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Vampires that bite/scratch


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Hello this is my first post and my first idea on this forum..


My english is not the best so hope you will understand.



It has botherd me a long time, that the way you get infected by vampires is trough there weapons swords/daggers mostly,


I find it really lame and unrealstic even for a fantasy game xD


You need to drink werewolfs blood to become a werewolf, that feels right, but the vampire thing whit there sword feel waaay off.


So i was hopeing some modar could think about this idea and mabey make it happend.


If i remember corectly not all vampires can infect you, so my idea is that does who can, fight whit there hands/claws and if posible whit there teeths and of course depends on there lvl how fast you get infectet and take damage.


Does who do not infect can keep there sword and other things.



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