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[LE] Eyes missing after nif merge?

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Hi everyone, it seems I have run into a problem with my follower. After I merge the ck nif head of my follower with my racemenu nif, the eyes disappear. I have checked the nif file to see if the textures are being directed the right way and they are. This is the second time this has happened to me and I was wondering if there was a way to fix it. Or better yet,(a noob question) could you just bypass nif merge? I never fully understood the reason to use it. Thanks for the help, hopefully I'm on the final steps for my follower.

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Nif Merge is necessary if you want to design your character in the game using RaceMenu and then apply that look to a character you make in the CK. You can always just design your character directly in the CK, though, and it will work fine. I do that for most characters. You're strictly limited to vanilla sliders though. If you want a more unique-looking character then RaceMenu certainly opens up a lot more options.



As for missing eyes... Sometimes with Nif Merge you have to specifically tell it which part is which before you hit merge. Each head shape has a little drop-down menu where you can tell it, this is hair, this is teeth, this is eyes. Usually it can detect those things automatically but it might be a good idea to go through it manually since it seems to be messing up.


I mean, you seem to be saying that you previewed the mesh in Nifskope and it had eyes? And I'm guessing the CK's vanilla head mesh also has eyes. So there must be some mismatch in their nodes or whatever, something where the head parts aren't being recognized as eyes by the game engine. That is likely to be an issue with Nif Merge settings, but it could be something with custom head parts in the CK, like if you created unique eyes for your NPC.


By the way, a little tip... It is never really necessary to create unique eyes in the CK for your character. You can just give them vanilla eyes and then redirect the textures in the head mesh after you export it. Saves a lot of time.

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