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Back up Skyrim settings?


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Hi, so I'm an absolute amateur at modding, I just messed around with the creation kit and made a mod which is a modification of the candlelight spell.


So what I did with some fiddling around is, that I went to the Magic Effects sub-folder created a new one, chose a Assoc. Item 1 --> Edit Form etc. to alter the lighting of the spell.


What I didn't know thou, is that when I changed the color or the type of light (ShadowOmnidirectional, Omnidirectional, Shadow Hemisphere etc.) that another item which was using this light is being changed too.


And I experimented quite some time with many different lights and I think I messed some stuff up :/ Been getting some serious lighting pop-ups when using torches in interiors, fireplace in Breezehome doesn't cast any shadows anymore, light is abit darker then before... Little things, but very annoying.


Is there anyway to back those settings up?


Thanks for the help.


Edit: btw it seems to make direct changes to the Skyrim.esm file which I loaded up together with my mod .esm file...

Because even if I deactivate my mod in the Data Files section, these lighting issues are still there.

Found another one, pulsating fireplaces... Really annoying

Edited by Shibalshiro
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