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Sudden Massive FR loss after entering Dead Money


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it's been ages since I un/reinstalled FONV, but I recall that bben46 (one of the mods here) has a nice leave-no-stone-unturned uninstallation guide for that somewhere on this site (which I can't find atm). Might be worth searching for that.


Going from faded memory... I don't think I used the steam local content thing at all, but the windows control panel uninstall program thing instead. Then I think I even went back and manually deleted some straggly remaining content from c:... steamapps/common/etc as well as c:... my documents/mygames/etc... Regarding the latter filepath, I recall moving my saved games somewhere else and blasted the remaining bits so the game would generate fresh INIs into that spot when I ran the game again.


At some point after all of that, I think I even ran something like CC: cleaner to sanitize my registry (although I actually think this laststep might have been on a complete uninstall of the steam application.)

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Thanks for the thoughts, I think I will have to give it a second try at uninstalling since the other options are just beyond my level of expertise. Before I did the "Delete game content" in Steam, I did try to find it in the control panel where one normally would go to uninstall programs, but none of my individual games ( Steam games that is, all others that are not in the Steam folder are all right there ) are listed within that menu, so I tried to use Revo but it could not find it either.


However, I have so many tools I often forget some of the oldies but goodies like CC Cleaner and after reading your reply, I checked it and it did find Fallout NV, although it does not list size or version. I located my saved games earlier and neglected to delete them since I was convinced that they could not possibly be the culprit. However, in retrospect, it is pretty clear I have NO idea what could even possibly be the issue here, and should have gone back to basic rules for this type of problem and eliminated everything associated with that game, including, as you pointed out, left over registry items.


I am gonna do as you suggest and do a surgical strike on this computer and take out everything even remotely associated with NV, in the order you list them, and go for the marathon ( I complain about this horrible ISP and snail like download times, but in reality, like everything else, it could be worse, it could be dial-up so I will take the entry level DSL with a :) download again and try this one more time!


Thank you for the reminder, I will let you know ( after two days of downloading! ) if that had any effect. I appreciate your hanging in there for me!

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To those who gave their time and expertise, I thank you so much. However, I must inform you that this problem has completely and totally kicked my butt like I was a red headed step child, I don't think I ever had a chance! I deleted every single trace of the game this time through several sources including CC Cleaner, Windows explorer, destroyed the saved games, corrected the registry, I NUKED the game to the best of my ability. When I finished the computer could not find a trace of it anywhere, so the near 2 day download began.


When I fired up the game, I thought I had it fixed, it APPEARED normal, however, FRAPS revealed something very strange, a steady 60 FPS like V Sync was on, but I clearly had it off in both the CCC and in the game options, checked it three times. I tried it at all 4 settings, from low to ultra and STILL got the same reading, even when I lowered my resolution from 1900X1080 down over and over all the way to 1024X768, where I should have got about a zillion FPS....Yea, something was wrong but the game was clearly playable at an average of 60 so I began but just as before, the longer I played, the worse things became. I noticed after just 10 minutes something had changed, Fraps showed a loss down to 48 FPS, after another 10 minutes, down to 40, and so forth , until I hit the magic 28 FPS average again!! Incredible.


I do have a number of top notch virus and Maleware utilities that I have run over and over, clean bill of health. It sure acts like there is a "fungus among us" type of issue, however, I have run many scans, deep scans, and I cannot believe that a virus or Maleware would just upset one game and leave every other program on the computer alone, not much of a virus to brag about if it is!! I have ruled out hardware issues, all other games play for hours, much more demanding games, without incident or ever causing the GPU/CPU to reach 70C.


I have never seen a problem with FPS that could not be improved by lowering the resolution or the setting to low, yet this one is unaffected. I have also never seen a problem that could not be resolved by uninstalling the program completely and reinstalling it. Since I am not prepared to format the entire hard drive in an effort to kill this offending bug that has found its way up my butt :) I guess New Vegas will have to go on to a "can't play" list until Windows 8 or some other reason comes along that gives me cause to do so...I want to thank all of you again for trying to steer this old broken gamer on the right course, sometimes things just don't work out, a lesson I learned many times in my life. By the way, probably not important at all, but strangely enough, the biggest FR loss hits the hardest whenever I open my Pip Boy, it is sometimes "0" FPS, the screen becomes locked and the mouse jumps very erratically all over the place, cannot hold it on something long enough to click on it, the Pip Boy destroys what little I have, yet it should present no problem at all for the GPU compared to the game so I have NO idea what that is all about. I forgot to mention that in my very first post.


Geeze....looks like I might have to modify my signature, looks like I may indeed have been " Knocked Out " this time :)

Edited by catbird
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