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Looking for help regarding activation of a quest


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As titel stated, I'm in need of help regarding activation of a quest that holds a reference alias script


Basically what I'm looking for is a simple way of toggle quest on and off by a spell


I've spent the better half of the day reading up but I just can't find any examples of either a toggle or activation of a quest by spell cast,

Now.. I hold no script knowledge but I'm certain this needs one if its even possible.


Can I toggle quest on and off by a spell, if so.. how?

Or is there a better way of handling this?


I'm lost, Im not even sure what to google after anymore.



Best regards,


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I do something similar with reading "books/notes." The player reads a poem, and the poem is fully voiced. But I want the poem to play every time I read the "letter" defined a book in the CK. So I made a quest, set it to allow repeated stages, and on each stage (ie, 5, 10, 15 etc) added a musictype.add() which points to the wav file in the music folder. In the quest, all the properties are contained in there, so all I need to do now is add some script in the "book/note" itself.


The script is a setstageonread, you open the poem, it reads itself.


This is switching on and off a quest on demand by allowing repeated stages, you would need to see if the spell has a papyrus box to add a script. You may need to add some script in the quest concerning what you want to do with the reference alias, but I am sure you can achieve what you're looking for.

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