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Need a little explanation for Enable Parent

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So, i'm getting ready to release an update for a mod... I just need to know real quick... If I take say a Dremora Broadhead Arrow and stick it in a corpse, or a Steel War Axe and wedge it in the neck of a dead Scamp, does enabling a parent allow the weapon to remain stuck in the body when you load the cell? Like an arrow would after you fired it? Or would it still just drop on the floor like nothing had happened?


I need to know before I do release the update.

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The real quick answer is 'probably'.

The slightly longer answer is to extract a copy of each object to your mod's folder then change the Layer and Layer Copy of the Collision mesh to OL_STATIC

If I saw an arrow or axe sticking out of a corpse I'd expect to be able to loot it.
It's just a suggestion but if you added these objects as Activator instead of Static (I wouldn't add them as Weapon/Arrow) then they can be scripted to add the real item to player then 'disable'.
I realize, however, that may not suit your agenda.

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