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Needing help with my mods


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Good evening !

I decided to start playing Skyrim again recently, and downloaded a hundred of mods ( Through NMM for ease of use, and then used LOOT for the loading lists )

The problem is that I'm running through massive crashes that make my game unplayable, it just happens all the time, a few exemples:


Start a new game ( I use the alternative start mod ), move a bit in the cell as the mods load, CRASH

Start a new game, explore the jail, CRASH

Start a new game, appear in the forest, CRASH

Start a new game, normal start, once the dragon appears... CRASH

Start a new game, everything runs fine for a while, decide to wait to recover stamina... CRASH


And it seems to corrupt the save everytime as I am unable to load afterwards

So I tried to look at what LOOT was saying, a few errors that I quickly corrected, but a lot of warning that seem to involve mod cleaning, I watched a video on that terrifying subject but it only made matters worse as when I launch TES5Edit and look up for dirty edits and such, 3/4 of my mods are shown in red... What should I do ? Remove everything in red ?

I'm a bit lost, I beg your help :c

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take a look at this vid (

) and then do one step at a time. don't worry bout breaking something cause sounds like things can't get much worse (LOL) . but seriously, sounds like a conflict of some sort. start a game with all your esp's and esm's un-ticked except your skyrim and dlc's. if that works go t the next one and clik it start game and if all is well that mod is not the problem. you might have to go thru almost all of them to find the culprit. there also could be more than one mod causing the problem.


you can uninstalll all go thru precedure by adding a couple mods at a time till you get your ctd. that will reveal the conflicting mod. hope this has helped you some. :smile:

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I did use TES5Edit to clean the ESM's and the LOOT notified mods, still that changed nothing ! I get crashes either on startup, either on random actions ( Talking, waiting, entering a building ) and also freeze anytime I enter whiterun... I can't really test my mods one by one since those crashes are pretty random

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if you are using Nexus Mod Manager, go to plugin tab. untick all your esp's and esm'.s other than skyrim and your dlcs and updates if you have them. load game and play for time frame that would seem to exceed what is normal for your ctd. to happen. after that tick 1 esm or esp and repeat. i know it is tedious but even if you uninstall and reinstall the same mods you will have ctd issue. i am fairly sure you have a conflict between a few mods.


if you unistall everything and reinstall don't load the dock with mods but do just a few at a time till you find the culprit. the only other thing that might be causing this that i can think of would be if you installed some script heavy mods and then uninstalled one. i know you are frustrated, been there before myself so just want to help if can.

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Alright so now I spent the whole afternoon doing it and it works just fine :D ( More than 150 mods ! ) Thanks !

I had to disable a few mods, oddly all adding life and NPC's to Skyrim ( Travellers of Skyrim and Immersive Patrols II ), but they all worked just fine before I did that clean up... Any idea why :/ ?

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Travellers will mess up if you have any mod or mods changing locations, also i have heard it has some issues with UFO if you are using that that might have been the problem. who knows, this is Skyrim and sometimes it is just quirky LOL.. :) but i am happy you are up and running now!

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