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two-handed weapons


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can someone PLEASE make a mod or tell me one where it turns two-handed weapons one-handed....i have the coolest sword but its too short for two-hands, and looks so much better in one hand. and i have the shield for it but i cant do it....Agh, can someone please make this?
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Hmmm... I could probably do something like this if you want... It won't take long... I will just need the meshes of this sword.


One way you could do this is my simply creating a new one-handed blade in the CS, and add the mesh of whatever it is you want it to look like... So technically, you could have a huge War-Hammer that swings at the speed of a dagger, and vice-versa. :yes:


PM me to tell me more details.




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can someone PLEASE make a mod or tell me one where it turns two-handed weapons one-handed....i have the coolest sword but its too short for two-hands, and looks so much better in one hand. and i have the shield for it but i cant do it....Agh, can someone please make this?


(Irrelevant parts of comment removed, seems there is not much left)



Tyreil Mithlander

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