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Attractive Female replacers for Male Housecarls

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Maybe my search skills stink. Wait...no maybe about it. I know they do.




I've found some housecarl replacers that put in females in place of the males, but the only two I've found that weren't hideous (yes, yes, I know that beauty's in the eye of the beholder and all that. Well, this beholder's full compliment of eyes all agree with what I said above) were:


1. An overall replacer that lost me some of Bijin's finest by also replacing the existing female housecarls. I LIKED some of what got replaced!


2. One that only replaced Argis the Bulwark with an attractive Redguard. Good start there but there's still three to go.


How about it?


A mod, or even better, three separate files, replacing Calder, Valdemar and Gregor with Bijin-quality females, or even (dare I say it) better would be awesome.


If I'm missing something that fits the bill, somebody please take pity on me and drop me a PM pointing the way.



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