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Raven Rose


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“Raven Rose, Raven Rose”,

Where and what the usher crows;

Why he crows, for none may know,

As he’s perched atop her prickled vines.


Each brew of dew a kind of wine-

Where drunken from this chalice of cold,

When her guests addressed her as young and gold-

The spell consumed each savored sip.


Regret has wet the stubborn lip,

And the usher crows and wonders more,

“Why do they sleep at my lampless door?”

And falls deaf to ears for much too soon.


The eye-like gaze, like an evening spoon,

Brushes away his ebony ink,

To crimson glares- to folly’s drink,

For none may take the garden’s youth.


The fault of those-that ironic truth;

And still he’s sitting, sitting still I suppose,

Where all can hear his croaking crows,

“Raven Rose, Raven Rose.”

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Just never know what you'll find at the nexus! I like the turn in the phrasing in the third and fifth stanzas. Imagery evokes a sort of mystical air, matches the times of the Dova rising. Thank you for this.


Hey, I wonder if "malukah" (the girl with a gazillion hits for her cover of the Dragonborn song) could put this to music and sing this?

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Just never know what you'll find at the nexus! I like the turn in the phrasing in the third and fifth stanzas. Imagery evokes a sort of mystical air, matches the times of the Dova rising. Thank you for this.


Hey, I wonder if "malukah" (the girl with a gazillion hits for her cover of the Dragonborn song) could put this to music and sing this?


Lol, I don't know, maybe she could. It would be an honor if I even got her consideration. :dance:

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