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Mythic Music Mod: Expected Release?


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There is a music mod in which I love (Mythic Music Mod) and that I cannot play without. Although, the author has the file hidden as 'she' (I assume it's a she) is working on a fix. I think it's been almost a week since it has been hidden and unavailable to download. Does anyone know when it is expected to be back online? I would love to put it back in the game again.


P.S: I liked this mod a lot because it had music from games I never heard of, and it fit very well. I was ok with the Undertale music since it wasn't so dominant, unlike most music mods. And I would create a mod myself, but I am a noob and I would rather not risk destroying the WAVE.XNB file.


Also, the playlist is on Youtube (created by the one I know is the original creator of the mod).

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