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Things you miss from Morrowind?...


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What are some of the things that were in Morrowind that you wish they would have continued into Oblivion?



I'll start:


I miss the MASSIVE variations of spells, and how in Oblivion they just look pretty much all the same...


I also miss the Area-Effect Arrows, how if you shot them at the ground they would explode all over the place... :rolleyes:



So, what do you miss?

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The spells were the biggest thing for me too.

Although I missed the huge selection of factions as well.


Oblivion just doesn't seem to have as many.

Morrowind had the Morag Tong, Thieves Guild, Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, the three houses, the main quest, etc.

Plus, just about as many (or more) misc. quests you could go on.


Not that I'm complaining about Oblivion.

The devs made some extremely welcome changes to the gameplay of Oblivion.

But I seem to rambling and changing the topic now, so I'll stop. :sleep:

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I personally miss House Telvanni and it's houses grown from plants. The alchemy ingrediants were nice too, they didn't HAVE to have 4 spell effects, but as little as they wanted. I also miss the speech system used in morrowind, i preferd the way dialogue was handled in it, especially since only greetings were voiced and not every single thing people say.
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I miss the far more expansive world.


I miss some of the spell effects, like levitate, lock, ect. I miss some of the creatures, and the lands that I started my elder scrolls adventures in. I miss the quests, scattered everywhere (even though there was little reward to most of them). I especially miss Morrowind's expansive selection of artifacts, and all the lore in the game. Also, even though this has already been noted, I missed all the factions, and how they related to each other. (I.E., Mages Guild hated Telvanni, ect.)

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I still think that the integration of full voice acting in Oblivion wasn't such a good idea; with the majority of dialogue as text, there were a lot more options and possibilities in conversation. This also ties in with people giving you directions and your character making automatic journal notes, which I preferred over the points-of-interest map-marker system in Oblivion.

I know that Bethsoft's objective in using full voice acting and fewer, more detailed quests was to allow the player to empathize with other characters; to give them a greater sense of personality than what was seen in Morrowind. I don't think that they completely succeeded in their task, as I've said, but they certainly have partially - many quest lines in Morrowind felt like an endless series of simple tasks with no correlation to one another. Oblivion's quest lines have a sense of plot, at least.


I'm also not keen on the fairly standard fantasy setting of Oblivion; I much preferred Morrowind's exotic creatures and ash wastes.

I liked the old enchantment system, Oblivion's one doesn't lend the player a great deal of choice.

It appears to be part of Oblivion's general structure to push players in the direction of making choices based on efficiency and effectivity, as opposed to personality and choice. I feel directed to make an Nord Warrior or High Elf Mage, as opposed to actually making a character that I like and feel I can roleplay as.

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That is, in my Opinion, mostly because of the Music. Jeremy Soule did a good Score for Oblivion, but it isnt a Masterpiece like the one from Morrowind.


That is what i miss from morrowind, the Music.

I do not miss Levitation Magic. Its a good Thing Levitation had to go with Oblivion and its Non-open Cities. Levitation had to go because Bethesda obviosly had the Xbox Version in Mind when they made the Game.

Levitation always threw me out of the Game. Why are there Mass Transportation Systems when everyone with just a little Magic knowledge can fly? That would be like when you learn how to ride a Horse. Why would anyone do that when you an learn how to fly? Or, in the Morrowind Case, why would you crawl inside of a giant Insect (Eww!) when you can learn how to fly?


I do miss the Dungeon Designs. The Oblivion Dungeons are quite well designed, but they are pieced together from 4 Sets of Materials. And it shows.

Morrowind Dungeons where more "unique".

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Short blades, crossbows, medium armor, cloth slots separate from armor slots, daedric armor, architecture, Marara's ring, hunting cliffracers, silt striders, training system, mage guild teleports, normal attractive faces for altmers and nords, daedric wakisashi, exotic environment, well, music and atmosphere too.


What I don't miss are netches, ascended sleepers, Caius Cosades and Ranis Athris.

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