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Can't get guards to stop attacking me (trying to deliver axe...no bounty)


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So I'm at this point in my quest where I have to deliver Jarl Balgruff's axe to Ulfric. Whenever I get close to Windhelm I get attacked by all the guards, though.


I don't have any kind of bounty. I tried unsheathing and sheathing my weapons and approaching with no weapons drawn. I can't talk to anyone. Oh, and I am not wearing my Imperial armor.



What could be wrong? What should I do? HELP PLEASE! I WANT TO CONTINUE THIS QUEST!

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Are you using mods? I wouldn't know what kind of mod would be causing this put posting your load order might give us some insight. Also, is everyone hostile? Maybe you could try sneaking past the guards with an invisibility potion/spell and speak to Ulfric that way.


EDIT: Just remembered, if you have the Dragonborn DLC and have progressed far enough in the story, you could also try the Bend Will shout and see if that helps.

Edited by Skagens
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