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Hello potential helper


I've been having this annoying problem where none of my mods work for Skyrim. I already posted a topic about the same issue more than a year ago and received no help, hopefully somebody will be able to help me this time. The problem is that no matter what I do, my mods won't load. I've tried using NMM, MO, manual installs, disabling steam cloud (can mess with ini files I read somewhere), reinstalling steam, reinstalling skyrim, reinstalling MO or NMM and so on and so forth. I once again noticed this issue when after downloading every single mod for 'Skyrim ultimate' and making sure everything is ready (I followed every step) it still didn't work. Now, 'Ultimate Skyrim' has 300+ mods, so I wouldn't really be surprised if I f***ed up somewhere, so I did what I did before. I got a fresh install of Skyrim, deleted everything in 'my games/skyrim' (so the ini files and saves) and then ran skyrim once to generate new ini files. After that I limited myself to trying to use 1 mod, namely 'alternate start live another life' due to how easy it is to detect whether it works or not. It didn't work. Alternate start live another life doesn't need anything. It doesn't need DLC, it doesn't need SKSE, it doesn't need anything to work, you just drag and drop it in your data folder, but still it doesn't work.


I have 4 'hints' that could help with explaining/finding the issue:


1. Texture mods work: It doesn't matter whether I install them manually, with NMM or with MO, they work. this leads me to think that the issue is related to ESPs, but I'm not an expert, so don't mind giving me other explanations.


2. When I tried running 'Ultimate Skyrim' it didn't crash or anything. The ENB I installed should've been working correctly (there was a message displayed at the start menu that I was using an ENB) and I also saw '$mod configuration' in the esc menu. The strange thing is that no other mods were listed in the MCM menu and also of course the '$' which might indicate an issue? What both the ENB and SkyUI have in common though, is that they're installed using an installer and while both use an ESP, maybe just the files that were installed by the installer are enough to make them 'pseudo-work' ?


3. When I run NMM and look at the plugins everything is checked. When I run Skyrim, play and quit when I see alternate start didn't work (stupid carriage beginning) I see in NMM that Skyrim.esm and update.esm are unchecked for some reason (which is strange since they're about as 'core' as core-files can get). I'm not sure if this means anything, but it could help you, the helper, help me :tongue:.


4. When checking the 'data files' in the skyrim launcher I can see that everything is checked (including the mod 'alternate start')


I'd really appreciate any help you can give me, and even if it seems stupid or obvious, if you can think of something I might've missed, please tell me.


Oh and as an afterthought: I have been able to play with mods and didn't have any issues. I don't remember if I ever got my mods to work after that 1 year old forum post, but I have been able to mod.

Edited by maelos61
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I was able to get Skyrim mods to work again by reinstalling my whole Steam installation. I had changed steam's installation spot before and that seems to have somehow messed up my game. Anyways, if all else fails, try to reinstall steam.

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