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Galmar no "reporting in" dialogue


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Since the problem seems to be the same, I suggest you go through the whole procedure and try the solutions listed. Did the same problem pop up on the new character you tried? I assume you created a new character without the mod in question and progressed through the questline. If this is the case, try progressing further with this character and see if the same problem pops up there. If it does, there might be some underlining cause other than the "For the Stormcloaks" mod. If not, then you know for sure it's the mod that causes the problem, and might also mean that the problem is rooted deep in your original save.

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With the new character, I had went through the CW questline with the mod installed and concluded that it was indeed the mod that was causing a lot of the problems and removed it. I reloaded a save of that new character and tried the CW questline again. This time I didn't run into almost any problems what-so-ever.


Later yesterday, I had tried to do the same on my main save and it worked. Up until the point were Galmar asks you to attack Fort Hraggstad. I know for a fact that it was the mod, but now it is only a matter of how to fix the main save so that I don't have to start from scratch.

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It worked. Finally. I can get things back to normal! I can't thank either of you enough for all of the help. And I can't begin to tell you how much time and trouble you've saved me.


How can I return the favor?

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No need, I'm happy you got it sorted. This forum is dedicated to helping people with certain problems and issues with their game and we expect nothing in return. Perhaps in the future you'll be able to help any of us with a problem, eh? :)

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