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Skyrim crashes with RealVision


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So I've recently begun installing mods and for some reason when I try to install Realvision (I do it correctly with NMM, then RV launcher, then replace ini files and then put in the dll and host file in TESV.exe folder) it crashes after loading screen. These are my mods : http://prntscr.com/g5vbqu

If anyone know any compatability issues or how to solve this please help :).

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Those are the only mods you have installed? And your game loads without enb, correct?


What kind of a video card are you running? How much VRAM? If you don't have a decent card with at least 2GB of VRAM, this could be part of your problem.


If your game otherwise running good and you have a good card, I would try doing a manual install of the preset (he give directions on the mod page). It's not that hard, and it may work better.

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