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[LE] Need help making a spell that the player or followers can use to a flurry of unarmed strikes


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Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to making mods so I tried watching videos, reading tutorials, reading the CK wiki and searching the internet but I couldn't find any answers to my problem. I'm trying to make a mod that gives the player new spells and one of them is a dash that let's you dash to enemies and do a flurry of unarmed strikes. It is exactly like the werewolf killcam where you push down an enemy and claw at them except you dash to them first and it is a spell that can be used by both the player and the npcs. The final result would be something like Warwick's ult from league of legends.


I tried several things already none of them worked. First I tried to make it by trying to use the already existing werewolf animation as "casting animation" and the whirlwind sprint effect. I gave up because I couldn't add the werewolf animation and effect to the casting animations and effects and searching the internet was useless. So in my second attempt, I tried modifying the "RaceKhajiitUnarmedDamage" magic effect to match what I wanted and combining it with 2 other effects into a spell. The 3 effects I used did the following in order:

1-A cast-able magic effect with sound and animation,

2-The sprint effect from the whirlwind shout,

3-A bound weapon summoning effect with no animations to summon "unarmed" into the caster's hand.


However, I realized I can't add all three to 1 spell because the 1st effect is "Fire and Forget" and "aimed", 2nd is "FIre and Forget" and "self" and the 3rd is "Constant Effect" and "self".
Also I still don't know how to force the caster perform a series of melee attacks. I tried looking into scripting and the only thing I found which sort of does what I want but not really is SendAnimationEvent which will "will most likely mess up the actor permanently as the internal actor data may no longer match their animation state".

I don't really care about pushing down the enemy but having it would be awesome. It really is a simple spell but I don't know how to implement it. Any help is much appreciated.

Edited by Trundler
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