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Making animation triggered by dialogue


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Hey guys, how are you doing?

Can anyone direct me to a tutorial or even explain how can I add an animation that is triggered by dialogue to one of my followers?(I talk to the follower, he responds and the play the animation)

I have been reading the FNIS for modders documentation and the FNIS spell tutorial.

Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:

PS: Sorry, for any mistakes, english is not my native language.

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But be warned: Papyrus is much harder than it was with the Oblivion scripting. So I assume it's the same compared to FO3.


To see how you can assign (certain types of) animations in dialogues you can look into FNIS Sexy Move. The scripts starting with "TIF" are so-called "Papyrus fragments" which are used for dialogues. Search for the Quest FNISSMQUest in the CK, go to "Player Dialogue" there, click one topic, and the double click the topic's info.


Another questions the type of animation you want to assign. Some idles, like dances? Might be your smallest problem when it comes to implementation. But still worth mentioning.

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It's actually a paired idle.

I used the ck to have a look at your mod and some others that I thought to be similar to what I want to do.

I've been reading bethesda's tutorials as well.

Found this:


Still can't do the scripting thing though.

Am I at least on the right track? :ermm:

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Have you read the FNIS Modders' Doc? There you find detailed information about definition and integration of paired animations.


When you have specific questions for me, then I recommend that you go to the FNIS thread. I am very likely to miss posts here, especially when they don't include the buzz word "FNIS". :)

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