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npcs not spawning properly in custom cell

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Im having a issue with getting lvl npcs to spawn reliable. There not customized in any way just basic npcs. some of them my spawn and some wont, or they all will or all wont.

this is however a custom cell. I am still pretty new to ck and would appreciate any help, or just point me in the right direction. So far the culprates are if it helps, lvlmolerat 000342c9, lvlsentrybot 000f8617, lvlturretbubble 000d97f7.

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yes i used the recast based auto generate option and finalized it because its such a large cell it would have took forever to do it manually. but thats the thing when they do spawn they seam to move fine.


would navmesh issues affect wall mounted torrents?

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there is little secret - most npc do not spawn in the places where you place them., they spawn somewhere in this cell and going to their marker (to stay near wall, sit on a chair, and even people in vault 111 appear near refrigerators and then get inside them ... :D )

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alright after takeing a break i think i figured it out. it seem to have ben a navmesh issue, after cleaning up a few unconnected navmesh areas and optimizing things a bit it appears to have solved the problem.

if you go into navmesh mode and look in your cell view window it shows all the unconnected mesh areas at the top of the list


And thank for the help guys i appreciate it.

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