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deki12 - BANNED

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deki12 banned.

Reason for the ban

1. Unwilling to abide by site regulations regarding proper tagging of adult material.

2. Insulting site staff in response to having adult content marked as such.


3. Previous infraction of uploading copyright material.


Sent Today, 10:00 PM

Why i dont undrstend why u most remove my files from nexus idiot because is naked f***ing nexus idiots


Sent Today, 11:45 PM

lol so next time when i try to unpload somting sexy or nude i need to tagged as adult ahaha that is not nice much mood in this nexus best mod is removed u people are suck

Relevant site regulations:

Insure that any content that would typically be awarded a 15 certificate or higher in the US/UK film and video game industry is properly labelled with the Adult-only option when uploading files and images. Continued failure to adhere to this rule will result in your account being banned.

If your mod is not tagged as Adult then you may not use adult imagery or content either in your mod Description or in the Images section of your mod page, and you may not accept such images uploaded by users. If you intend to accept such images or use such content on your mod description page then you must re-tag your mod as Adult.

We tried - you didn't listen.

Reference post

Moderation history
This member received 0 informal warnings and 1 formal warnings before they were banned
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