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Certain areas cause loss of Camera and Controls?


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couple mod areas are givin me fits. Dragon's Keep and Dorn Heven.


if i go into a cave that Dragon's Keep adds, when i get inside, everything seems ok...until i notice i can't use ANY activator or talk w/ followers. i can't open any menus except the main, but Load is greyed out. (can save tho, and reloading that save fixes things). also if i turn off ENB, then the entire camera is pure white or black. 90% of the time i get white, but i've seen black couple times. this state persists if i then go back out of the cave or leave the area.

it sounds a bit like the Yngol tomb bug listed here...



about halfway down under "Unusual Glitch". but leaving followers behind, or dismissing them completely don't stop it.

anyone have ideas? thanks

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