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Cannot download mods anymore?


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Hello, I am a brand new user to this site bit I did a bit of digging and tried tinkering with the problem for a good 4 hours before I decided to post this on here. I did a factory reset of my laptop today because I couldn't get skyrim mods to work anymore. In hindsight, I think everything worked properly, I should have tried to load an earlier save to see if that was the problem. Anyway, I tried to fix a few things, majorly broke something I guess, and decided that I needed to clean my computer anyway. I have everything set up properly now. I have steam skyrim with dawnguard DLC and I can launch the game just fine. I downloaded Nexus Mod Manager and I have used it before so I know how it is supposed to be set up. The thing is, I cannot even get that far!


My problem starts when I try to download a mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3038/? (for example) by clicking on the "Download NMM" button. A few seconds after I click on that, I get an error message saying "Unrecognizd Game Mode - Nexus Mod Manager is not set up to work with Skyrim Special Edition if Skyrim Special Edition is installed, rescan for installed games from the Change Game toolbar item." I do not have the legendary edition installed.


So, quick recap. When i use the "Download (NMM)" button I get an error message. Once I fix that, I will see what else I need to fix. Thanks

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