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Annoying greetings


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So what in your opinion is the most annoying thing NPC's say?

My vote goes to "Mmoohnhold, city of lllight, city of mmmagic!" (City of too mmany gaahds in mmy wway! :angry: ) I'm actually starting to wonder if there's a patch to shut those people up.

And what strange/amusing things have you heard? Once I caught a High Ordinator singing to himself. It was just "dah, dah, dah" or something. Very disconcerting, and funny.

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The mournhold ones is pretty annpying- especially when you cant get through because there are twenty guards saying it to you as you walk through the palace...


"MMMMMMMMMOURNHOLD, CITY OF LIGHT! CITY OF MMMMMAGIC!" Of course, the best greeting is...








Then again, the wood elf ones are pretty annoying. everyones gotta hate Fargoth for a reason, right?

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Meh, Idno, I never really took any notice of enemy NPC greetings/battlecries, mainly because they never really had a chance to before they found at least one arrow piercing their gut, and a very nasty Dai-Katana bearing down on their head.


As for friendly NPC greetings, I kind of started to not hear them...well once I had played for a bit....Actually, I really hate when the ordinators call me scum :(



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"I have a feeling you and I are going to be very close" :angry:


Stupid wood elves.....


"Seen any... ELVES ?? MUHAHA HAHAHAHA" is my favorite. Every time I hear it I crack up. Oh those nord ladies...


"If you wish to talk, it is really no trouble at all" I dont know why but I really like this one. I think Altmer women say it , and its a pretty nice thing to hear.

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now i remember one i loved to hate, you know that psyco who poisons people in solthseim, who sings that annoying rhyme, christ!, the 50millionth time i heard that, i already had my nice enchanted silver nordic axe, and if the game was soldier of fortune 2, and you could repeatedly hit someone whilst their dead, he would have one arm, no legs, and a split head.
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One of the strangest is in Seyda Neen, in the Tradehouse. When i trigger either the woman who stands near the staff or Arille(sp) i get something about "Perhaps something for the lady?" Thats a very rough guide, but it does mention a lady. I was really worried the first time this happened, because my character was most definitely a bloke. Anyone else get this?
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That whole "Seen any Elves? AHAHAAH*snort*" thing the Nords (spcifically the females) do always sets my teeth on edge, especially when they sneak up on me and do it. That long wheezing cough the male dunmer have is also a bit disconcerting. I can never figure out if they have bronchitis or are trying to cast a fireball at me.


One of the more amusing things I heard was when I was a wee lad stealing plates for a living in Seyda Neen and was unloading my loot at Arilles tradehouse. All of a sudden the highelf went reminescent on me and told me the tale of how he "didn't remember using a teleporation spell, but there [he] was, alone...naked". I've never used a teleport since.


Even though he didn't "say" it, Divayth(sp) Fyr's comment about his daughters was pretty...odd. I can just imagine him saying "How do you like them? Not bad for something grown in a jar" shortly followed by a long, cackling old man laugh and it's enough for me to throw caution to the wind and leap headfirst down his flywell.

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Possible the wierdest/funniest things i have heards people say,both from darkelves, are "I could have swore i didn't use a teleportation spell but there i was and here i am now...." and of course "i'm just standing here, that's my job" Man they some funny junk. You have to play this game with subtitles on because they stuff you can't hear and thats when they say all the messed up stuff. :bleh:
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