Amberdragonis Posted August 10, 2017 Share Posted August 10, 2017 (edited) After finally buying a computer that can actually handle the games I enjoy, I decided to dip into Skyrim again as well as its modding community. I'm still not well versed in modding and I've been trying for days now to fix the CTDs I've been having. It usually happens in the Sleeping Giant's Inn in Riverwood and passed the wolves toward the Guardian Stones near the waterfall. Any advice and help would be appreciated. I have tried disabling mods one by one and it works at times until I wait long enough for another crash. I think my patience has crumbled and I need to step back this time for some assistance. Here is my load order: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espWM Flora Fixes.espApachiiHair.esmNock2Tip.esmImCh.esmCampfire.esmUnlimitedBookshelves.espExtra Encounters Reborn - Basic.esmETaC - RESOURCES.esmJSwords.esmRSkyrimChildren.esmSGHairPackBase.esmHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espCutting Room Floor.espXPMSE.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espEnhancedLightsandFX.espELFX - Exteriors.espBetterQuestObjectives.espRealisticRoomRental.esp3DNPC.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espWeapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.espClothing & Clutter Fixes.espCollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.espComplete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.espWetandCold.espComplete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.espBook Covers Skyrim.espethereal_elven_overhaul.espETaC - Dawnstar.espRRR_ELFX-Patch.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures.espETaC - Morthal.espETaC - Dragon Bridge.espSoS - The Wilds.espSoS - Civilization.espETaC - Kynesgrove.espThunderchild - Epic Shout Package.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.espSoS - The Dungeons.espETaC - Ivarstead.espImmersive Whiterun.espETaC - Winterhold.espImmersive Solstheim.espCWIELnFXPatch.espMrissiTailOfTroubles.espMorskom.espMorskomPatchETAC - Modular.espHolidays.espETaC - Karthwasten.espImmersive Stonehills.espInconsequential NPCs.espImmersive Shors Stone.espCloaks.espSummermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.espWeapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.espSMIM-Merged-All.espImmersive Weapons.espWeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.espSPTConsistentOlderPeople.espOpulentOutfits_AIO-2017.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espDragonfallCastle.espImmersiveStables.espETaC - Stonehills CRF Patch.espImmersive Wenches.espETaC - Morthal ELFX Patch.espRRR_3DNPC-Patch.espBring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espImmersive Patrols II.espPopulated Cities Towns Villages.espETaC - Dawnstar ELFX Patch.espFrostfall.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espChesko_WearableLantern.espVivid Weathers.espWetandCold - Ashes.espVivid Weathers - Extended Snow.espVivid Weathers - Extended Rain.espUnreadBooksGlow.espAMatterOfTime.espSkyUI.espAchieveThat.espRealisticNeedsandDiseases.espETaC - Dragon Bridge ELFX Patch.espETaC - Ivarstead Im. Stables Patch.espNock2Tip.espSolsticeCastle.espETaC - Winterhold Im. Stables Patch.espSkyrim Flora Overhaul.espETaC - Dawnstar Im. Stables Patch.espRND_HearthFires-Patch.espETaC - Whiterun Ext CRF Patch.espETaC - Whiterun Ext ELFX Patch.espETaC - Ivarstead ELFX Patch.espETaC - Dragon Bridge Im. Stables Patch.espETaC - Winterhold ELFX Patch.espETaC - Shors Stone ELFX Patch.espETaC - Stonehills ELFX Patch.espETaC - Karthwasten ELFX Patch.espETaC - Kynesgrove ELFX Patch.espBrevi_MoonlightTales.espSneak Tools.espETaC - Kynesgrove Im. Stables Patch.espEquipping Overhaul.espHermit.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espDSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.espAuto Unequip Ammo.espDr_Bandolier.espBeards.espBetter Vampires.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espBrows.espCloaks - Dawnguard.espExtended UI.espUnique Uniques.espUltimateCombat.espTradeBarter.espTKDodge.espCollegeOfWinterholdImmersive_OpulentOutfits-2017.espCollege of Winterhold NPC Impovement.espBarenziahQuestMarkers.espConvenient Horses.espDeadlyDragons.espUltimateDragons.espDual Sheath Redux.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espdD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.espBetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-UFOPatch.espExtra Encounters Reborn - Dawnguard.esp12FemaleBrows.espFootprints.espFNIS.espForgottenMagic_Redone.espHearthfireMultiKid.espHearthfireMultiKid_LastName.espHelmetToggle.espJSwords_Load_Screens.espKS Hairdo's.espLostGrimoire.espPrinceandPauper.espRSChildren.espOne ImCh Patcher.espLovelyHairstylesCE.espModern Brawl Bug Fix.espMy Home Is Your Home.espNo Killmoves, No Killcams, No Killbites.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espPredator Vision.espHearthfireMultikid_PNP Patch.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espRealistic crime report radius.espRND_Dawnguard-Patch.espRND_Dragonborn-Patch.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espRSChildren Patch - USLEEP.espSGHairPackAIO.espSGEyebrows.espSimplyKnock.espSFO - Dragonborn.espGoToBed.espImmersive Wenches -SG&KS hairs- Patch.espImmersive Wenches RRR-patch.espETaC - Dawnstar RS Patch.espETaC - Ivarstead RS Patch.espETaC - Karthwasten RS Patch.espETaC - Morthal RS Patch.espETaC - Winterhold RS Patch.espImmersive Shors Stone RS Patch.espRND_ETaC-Patch.espOpen Cities Skyrim.espImmersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul.espRDO - CACO Patch.espRDO - UFO v1.2j.b15 Patch.espOpen Cities Skyrim - Holidays.espRealisticWaterTwo.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espRDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.espBetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.espImmersive Citizens - OCS patch.espImmersive Citizens - RRR patch.espRealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.espImmersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.espDual Sheath Redux Patch.esp And here is my mod list: 1.Skyrim.esm2.Update.esm3.Dawnguard.esm4.HearthFires.esm5.Dragonborn.esm6.Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espesp7.WM Flora Fixes.esp8.ApachiiHair.esm9.Nock2Tip.esm10.ImCh.esm11.Campfire.esm12.UnlimitedBookshelves.esp13.Extra Encounters Reborn - Basic.esm14.ETaC - RESOURCES.esm15.JSwords.esm16.RSkyrimChildren.esm17.SGHairPackBase.esm18.HighResTexturePack01.esp19.HighResTexturePack02.esp20.HighResTexturePack03.esp21.Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp22.Cutting Room Floor.esp23.XPMSE.esp24.Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp25.EnhancedLightsandFX.esp26.ELFX - Exteriors.esp27.BetterQuestObjectives.esp28.RealisticRoomRental.esp29.3DNPC.esp30.Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp31.Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp32.Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp33.Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp34.CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp35.Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp36.WetandCold.esp37.Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp38.Book Covers Skyrim.esp39.ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp40.ETaC - Dawnstar.esp41.RRR_ELFX-Patch.esp42.Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp43.ETaC - Morthal.esp44.ETaC - Dragon Bridge.esp45.SoS - The Wilds.esp46.SoS - Civilization.esp47.ETaC - Kynesgrove.esp48.Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp49.Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp50.SoS - The Dungeons.esp51.ETaC - Ivarstead.esp52.Immersive Whiterun.esp53.ETaC - Winterhold.esp54.Immersive Solstheim.esp55.CWIELnFXPatch.esp56.MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp57.Morskom.esp58.MorskomPatchETAC - Modular.esp59.Holidays.esp60.ETaC - Karthwasten.esp61.Immersive Stonehills.esp62.Inconsequential NPCs.esp63.Immersive Shors Stone.esp64.Cloaks.esp65.Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp66.Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp67.SMIM-Merged-All.esp68.Immersive Weapons.esp70.SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp71.OpulentOutfits_AIO-2017.esp72.UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp73.DragonfallCastle.esp74.ImmersiveStables.esp75.ETaC - Stonehills CRF Patch.esp76.Immersive Wenches.esp77.ETaC - Morthal ELFX Patch.esp78.RRR_3DNPC-Patch.esp79.Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp80.JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp81.Immersive Patrols II.esp82.Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp83.ETaC - Dawnstar ELFX Patch.esp84.Frostfall.esp85.1nivWICCloaks.esp86.1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp87.Chesko_WearableLantern.esp88.Vivid Weathers.esp89.WetandCold - Ashes.esp90.Vivid Weathers - Extended Snow.esp91.Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp92.UnreadBooksGlow.esp93.AMatterOfTime.esp94.SkyUI.esp95.AchieveThat.esp96.RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp97.ETaC - Dragon Bridge ELFX Patch.esp98.ETaC - Ivarstead Im. Stables Patch.esp99.Nock2Tip.esp100.SolsticeCastle.esp101.ETaC - Winterhold Im. Stables Patch.esp102.Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp103.ETaC - Dawnstar Im. Stables Patch.esp104.RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp105.ETaC - Whiterun Ext CRF Patch.esp106.ETaC - Whiterun Ext ELFX Patch.esp107.ETaC - Ivarstead ELFX Patch.esp108.ETaC - Dragon Bridge Im. Stables Patch.esp109.ETaC - Winterhold ELFX Patch.esp110.ETaC - Shors Stone ELFX Patch.esp111.ETaC - Stonehills ELFX Patch.esp112.ETaC - Karthwasten ELFX Patch.esp113.ETaC - Kynesgrove ELFX Patch.esp114.Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp115.Sneak Tools.esp116.ETaC - Kynesgrove Im. Stables Patch.esp117.Equipping Overhaul.esp118.Hermit.esp119.Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp120.DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp121.Auto Unequip Ammo.esp122.Dr_Bandolier.esp123.Beards.esp124.Better Vampires.esp125.RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp126.Brows.esp127.Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp128.Extended UI.esp129.Unique Uniques.esp130.UltimateCombat.esp131.TradeBarter.esp132.TKDodge.esp133.CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive_OpulentOutfits-2017.esp134.College of Winterhold NPC Impovement.esp135.BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp136.Convenient Horses.esp137.DeadlyDragons.esp138.UltimateDragons.esp139.Dual Sheath Redux.esp140.dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp141.dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp142.BetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.esp143.BetterQuestObjectives-UFOPatch.esp144.Extra Encounters Reborn - Dawnguard.esp145.12FemaleBrows.esp146.Footprints.esp147.FNIS.esp148.ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp149.HearthfireMultiKid.esp150.HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp151.HelmetToggle.esp152.JSwords_Load_Screens.esp153.KS Hairdo's.esp154.LostGrimoire.esp155.PrinceandPauper.esp156.RSChildren.esp157.LovelyHairstylesCE.esp158.Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp159.My Home Is Your Home.esp160.No Killmoves, No Killcams, No Killbites.esp161.dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp162.Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp163.Predator Vision.esp164.HearthfireMultikid_PNP Patch.esp165.RaceMenu.esp166.RaceMenuPlugin.esp167.Realistic crime report radius.esp168.RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp169.RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp170.dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp171.RSChildren Patch - USLEEP.esp172.SGHairPackAIO.esp173.SGEyebrows.esp174.SimplyKnock.esp175.SFO - Dragonborn.esp176.GoToBed.esp177.Immersive Wenches -SG&KS hairs- Patch.esp178.Immersive Wenches RRR-patch.esp179.ETaC - Dawnstar RS Patch.esp180.ETaC - Ivarstead RS Patch.esp181.ETaC - Karthwasten RS Patch.esp182.ETaC - Morthal RS Patch.esp183.ETaC - Winterhold RS Patch.esp184.Immersive Shors Stone RS Patch.esp185.RND_ETaC-Patch.esp186.Open Cities Skyrim.esp187.Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp188.Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp189.RDO - CACO Patch.esp190.RDO - UFO v1.2j.b15 Patch.esp191.Open Cities Skyrim - Holidays.esp192.RealisticWaterTwo.esp193.Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp194.RDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp195.BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp196.Immersive Citizens - OCS patch.esp197.Immersive Citizens - RRR patch.esp198.RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp199.Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp I use MO and I have cleaned the files LOOT told me to clean and did my best to look at any compatibility issues and patches. Knowing me, I probably missed something so obvious and if so, I apologize in advanced. I appreciate any help! Edited August 10, 2017 by Amberdragonis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Utakka Posted August 12, 2017 Share Posted August 12, 2017 Do you experience lag before crashes or is it spontaneous ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amberdragonis Posted August 12, 2017 Author Share Posted August 12, 2017 (edited) Do you experience lag before crashes or is it spontaneous ?It is spontaneous. It happens as soon as I enter the Sleeping Giant's Inn or pass by the waterfall towards the Guardian Stones. Edited August 12, 2017 by Amberdragonis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UnboundDremora Posted August 12, 2017 Share Posted August 12, 2017 (edited) Have you gone into any other inns or interiors? Do these crashes happen any other places in the exterior? Try TES5Edit to look for possible conflicts. Patience is the main thing you need in this situation, especially with that many mods. Edited August 12, 2017 by UnboundDremora Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Utakka Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 (edited) Do you experience lag before crashes or is it spontaneous ?It is spontaneous. It happens as soon as I enter the Sleeping Giant's Inn or pass by the waterfall towards the Guardian Stones. I had a similar problem. In my case it was texture conflicts and once it was due to the graphics being too harsh on my computer. Disable all of your re-texture mods (Save before you do) And try again. Then enable them one by one until it breaks. (Yes this will take a while but it's worth not crashing) .-. Edited August 13, 2017 by Utakka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amberdragonis Posted August 13, 2017 Author Share Posted August 13, 2017 Do you experience lag before crashes or is it spontaneous ?It is spontaneous. It happens as soon as I enter the Sleeping Giant's Inn or pass by the waterfall towards the Guardian Stones. I had a similar problem. In my case it was texture conflicts and once it was due to the graphics being too harsh on my computer. Disable all of your re-texture mods (Save before you do) And try again. Then enable them one by one until it breaks. (Yes this will take a while but it's worth not crashing .-. Alright, I'll try it again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amberdragonis Posted August 13, 2017 Author Share Posted August 13, 2017 (edited) Have you gone into any other inns or interiors? Do these crashes happen any other places in the exterior? Try TES5Edit to look for possible conflicts. Patience is the main thing you need in this situation, especially with that many mods.I've been using Wyre Bash and TES5Edit to correct my mod load order. I did sort out masters, but I don't really understand how to search for mod conflicts with TES5Edit. Edited August 13, 2017 by Amberdragonis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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