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Contest: fastest way to beat main quest


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OK, this is for those of you with too much time on your hands (I know you're out there!).

The assignment is to come up with a step-by-step plan from the start of the game to defeating Dagoth Ur in as little (real) time as possible. Then execute it and time yourself. Keep meticulous records including race/class/etc. No mods (except ones that are irrelevant to your plan), cheats, or killing Vivec. Anything else is fair game, including doing quests before you have "gotten" them, when it is possible. You must use the current patches.

I don't think I have time to test all these, so unless someone else volunteers we can't offically declare a winner (except maybe a winner for clearest and most detailed plan). Still it could be interesting to see what people's strategies are.

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Well, I do know that glitches like Breton Chief Oriana (whatever) described are rampant in the game. I visited Al Daedroth on 'offical Temple business' going door-to-door and spreading goodwill. (read: bashing the hell outta Daedric worshippers with good ol' VJ). And I met that chick who you have to talk to about the Ahemussa (sp), and I plead the case to her and she said that she would let them take shelter. Which is weird cause I hadn't even started the Main quest yet...


But I know beating the main quest by other means (not nescessarily cheating or killing Vivec) is very possible, you just have to hunt them out.

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Choose the lady as sign (25) endurance.

Choose spear and heavy armor as skills (endurance)

Be a breton (Resist magica 50% for boots of blindning speed)




Find do sheogorath quest for spear of bitter mercy, Hit`n run Daedras at daedric sites for hig worth- weapons. go to tribunal smith (20`000 money) sell.


Go get kagrenacs planbook, journal, keening and sunder.


Train-train train, and train to you have a level with enough HP to do the back path of the game (just kill vivec and make yagrum "enchant" wraithguard.)


Go kill dagoth.


Done in 1hour 47 minutes. My record.



Using console, exploiting things in game that is not ment to be - is cheating and dont count. riiight?? <_<

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