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Problem with saves - Important :sad:


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Hello ,

long time ago , i have played Fallout 4 without mods , i didn't finished this game at all , i have stoped the game at the first Mirelurk queen encounter , i have decided to stop this game cause i've busy about it. :down:

And now , after have seen lots of mod review , and mods topics , i decided to start modding with fallout 4.

And ..i've got a problem. :sad:

When i have reainstalled fallout 4 on steam , no problem , my ancient save always here, so i play falout 4 with the mod list under , with my cloud-saved ancient save , there is no problem.

After , i decide to save my progress (something normal) , and then i die because of [insert death] ...And the problem cames , what is the problem ? when i die the game normaly respawn you in the last save , but not for me , i'm ejected to the menu screen. So, i want to recharge my last save .. and the option charge in the menu doesn't work. So last chance i choose the option "continue" in the menu and then i see a save that is very strange and not at me .. to replay at the game i need to quit it and relaunch it. :confused:

Please help me

I giving you a screen of the normal save and the strange one :




sorry if i am bad in english , i'm french. :happy:


I have installed all theses mods normaly.. here the list of mods :


Vivd fallout-landscape

Wolfes and rats

Varied Raiders

True Storms

Tactical Flashlight

Squirrels Of commonwealth

Reverb and Ambience Overhaul

Realistic death physics

Rain of Brass

Rad spider

Pip boy flashlight

Official Horizon weapon merge

More deathclaw variety

lots more settlers

Long range bullet holes

Live Dismemberment

Glowing Animals emit lights

Fallout 4 Enhanced colour correction

Enhanced blood texture

Dead body collision

Darker nights

Crossbow of the commonwealth

Armorsmith Extended and AWKCR


Dark , thanks :sad:


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how "long" was 'long time ago'?
because if u are trying use let's say 1 year old saves you will most likely need to start a new game , most mods require the latest version of the game for one reason or another , if u are using mods to play the game today and then u suddenly decide to load a save from 6 months ago for example , the mods you're using might not function well with such save and will consequently corrupt it or cause a ctd

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