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Project nevada grenade hotkey will not throw


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Once a grenade is selected, just press and hold the "attack/fire" key/button for a couple of seconds. The longer you hold it, the further the distance thrown (depending in part upon your aim and trajectory).


* "Project Nevada" has an option to base the distance thrown on your Strength (STR) instead of the default of "explosives" skill, in addition to using a "hotkey" to combine the selection and throw.

* There are reports that vanilla grenade throw doesn't work well in VATS mode.

* There are also two other "grenade key" mods:

* Grenade Hotkey by vivanto

* Grenade Key by svartberg


[Edit to include link to PN.]



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Check your key bindings.


This is an old solution (from 2011), but perhaps it will help you. Then again, PN has been updated since.


There were some unsafe parts in the grenade hotkey script that could make it stop working in rare cases. It will be fixed in the next version.

Besides waiting for the next version or trying it with a clean safe, the following might fix it:

1. Disable the grenade hotkey in the menu.
2. Exit the menu, then save the game.
3. Restart the game, load your saved game.

4. Check which Mod Index Project Nevada - Core.esm has in FOMM.
5. Type
ResetQuest XX004756
in the console, where XX is replaced by the mod index from step 4.
6. Enable the grenade hotkey again.
It worked for the person who had the problem back then.



It has also been reported that selecting the type of grenade in the Pipboy and then using the weapon hotkey worked.


Animation replacements might interfere as well.



Edited by dubiousintent
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