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FNV - Objects wrong scale compared to skeleton?


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I solved it by doing it all from scratch in 2.49b! This time, everything was on the same scale.




Version 2.49b


So I started out trying to convert some armor from one bodytype to another using Blender 2.78. As 2.49b is recommended for the older Gamebryo games, I swapped.

I loaded up the project I worked on yesterday in 2.78, then I exported that project as an obj file, and imported it in 2.49. It was real tiny, but I just zoomed in till I could see the details.
Then I selected all the meshes, imported the vanilla FNV .nif skeleton as a parent for all selected, and it worked... But it was in a completely different scale, a giant by comparison to the imported obj. file.

I tried loading the blend project I made in 2.78 directly in 2.49b, but then the scales were opposite, the skeleton was same size, but the project was giant by comparison.

Pictures of what I mean:




How do I get around this? Can I not load a blend project made in 2.78 in 2.49b?
I was told I can get around this by saving the blend project as an obj. file, so I did and it does work. Was the problem that I saved a blend project in 2.78, closed and re-opened it? Instead of saving it by exporting it as an obj file?

Edited by SiniVII
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