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Changing an ObjectReference's PowerRequired


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I'm trying to change a workshop object's power requirement. ref.setActorValue seems to work, but the "powered" state doesn't update, unless I disconnect and reconnect a wire to it manually.

How can I force the object to update it's powered state? It has to be possible, SimSettlements does it all the time.

Edited by pra
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add 'PowerGenerated' '0.1' keyword to ur object

this way object will become power generator, and will generate power for itself


edit: 0.1 it's a generated power (if u set it 1 or more - it will be visible at workshop menu ;)

Edited by JagMaker
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I don't think you understood what I meant. On the other hand, I'm not fully understanding what you wrote either.


What I was trying to do was to change an object's power requirement per script. That part works fine. Unfortunately, I found no way to update the power grid afterwards. What I did instead was asking to player to "cycle power" to the object, and changing the PowerRequired AV in the onPowerOff event.

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