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Conditions on Unique Character


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So as I understand it, it's possible to have unique animations, textures, and body preset for the player character using the Unique Player mod. However, there are certain conditions and I'd like to double check all of them before I start diving in.


1) Because clothing has it's own body preset (using BodySlide), a completely new set of clothing for the player character must be created, matching the player's body preset. As well, these clothes/outfits must be inaccessible to NPCs or else when they equip the clothing/outfit, it will look like they have the same body preset as the player character.

2) Textures (e.g. more muscular body, tattoos) and animations can be made to be completely player unique. I think I understand how to do this with textures (just place the body textures in the Unique Player created folder) but is this also the same process to have unique player animations? (e.g. different sitting pose for player vs. NPC)


Thanks for the help!

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