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Faces (Structure, Mouth And Noses) Broken And Disfigured ?


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I get it. I have a lot of mods. But this has been a very primal problem for me that I've had for a long time before adding more mods. I overlooked it at the time but now it's getting out of hand. Every face that is non vanilla / Dlc And even some Dlc faces are disfigured. The character creator has strange presets and when I use racemenu to load downloaded presets (Even when I have all the mods needed for the preset) They look completely wrong and the length of the face seems to shrink when loading them (As you can see on the picture). I've tried to disable all of my retextures and body mods but I just cant seem to fix it. (Posted this here as well due to not knowing the exact mod or problem in which causes this.


My mods (Click the picture to zoom) : https://gyazo.com/e9adda375bbdcf43df0b7bd953a667d2



Edited by Utakka
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While I don't have issues with loading Racemenu presets, NPC faces and so on, the default vanilla presets (the slider with a variety of stock faces per race) looking busted and just generally proportionally off I'm familiar with. I've searched high and low, and found nothing to actually deal with it or any clue to a cause.


So, also curious about this, or a surefire method to restore those to their initial values without a full reinstall.

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While I don't have issues with loading Racemenu presets, NPC faces and so on, the default vanilla presets (the slider with a variety of stock faces per race) looking busted and just generally proportionally off I'm familiar with. I've searched high and low, and found nothing to actually deal with it or any clue to a cause.


So, also curious about this, or a surefire method to restore those to their initial values without a full reinstall.

To be honest it's also the female npc from populated cities reborn all look the same (Even the children o . O ) Tried installing a new head mesh and it done nothing. Still working on a fix .-.

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While I don't have issues with loading Racemenu presets, NPC faces and so on, the default vanilla presets (the slider with a variety of stock faces per race) looking busted and just generally proportionally off I'm familiar with. I've searched high and low, and found nothing to actually deal with it or any clue to a cause.


So, also curious about this, or a surefire method to restore those to their initial values without a full reinstall.

To be honest it's also the female npc from populated cities reborn all look the same (Even the children o . O ) Tried installing a new head mesh and it done nothing. Still working on a fix .-.



I tried the same yeah, with both the stock one and the retriangulated/symmetrical one, and rewriting .tri files, but tbh I don't really know what is and isn't involved. I think those are just for phonemes and the such since things like Female Facial Animation mod replace them. There are so many NPCs in stock installs of the regular game with wicked witch noses and chimpanzee muzzles it's honestly hard to tell who is and isn't afflicted. What's bugging me is I do remember in the murky past finding something that messed with the default presets, but I can't seem to find it again. All I can turn up is stuff that adds more of them, or searches flooded by the separate and distinct RaceMenu variety of presets. If we could find something like that it might at least provide a lead.


I'll certainly report back if I do find anything useful. My load order is at https://modwat.ch/u/Horrorshow in case you want to try and find a common element, but given that it only covers .esp I think it'll be something much less obvious causing grief.

Edited by Augh3d
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