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Removing followers protected status: impossible for SSE?


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If there's something I really don't like in Skyrim, this is the followers. Because they can't die. It doesn't matter if they are fighting a dragon with their bare hands, or they are hit by one hundred arrows; they just take a knee, the enemy forget about them and a few seconds later they are back to the fight, totally unharmed.

As far as I understand, all followers are flagged as PROTECTED, meaning they can be killed only by the player. They are not ESSENTIAL, meaning they simply can't die, not even by the player's hand; however, whereas it's quite easy to remove the essential flag using the console, apparently there's no command to remove the protected flag.

I also tried some mods, like Amazing Follower Tweaks, Enhanced Followers Framework and NPC Protection Tweaks, but for some reason they don't work: even tweaking the follower status to unprotected, he/she still won't die (in fact in AFT the follower can die but he automatically resuscitates after the combat, which sucks.)

Volatile Followers looks as the only mod that works (according to the comments in the mod page), but unfortunately it was never ported to SSE so I can't use it.


Do you have any idea/recommendation/suggestion if it is possible to remove the follower's protected status in SSE?

Edited by alerossi82
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