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"Laser Dot" Enchantment for Bows/Crossbows Idea


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Ok, so this is an idea I have. What if there was an enchantment that made it so that when you aimed with a bow or crossbow, or when you used the "Eagle Eye" ability, you got a kind of magical effect that indicates where your shot is going to hit?


The way I imagine this could maybe work would be that when you aim/use Eagle Eye(whichever condition is deemed best), the enchantment makes the weapon fire a series of silent and invisible dummy-projectiles, as if they were shot by the weapon, for as long as you're aiming. These projectiles would have to have the same ballistic trajectories as the actual shot that you're about to release, such that they will hit the same spot that you would hit if your released the actual shot from your bow/crossbow. These dummy projectiles would not harm, stagger, provoke or alert enemies in any way, all they'd do is create a small, visual magic effect on impact.


I assume you're catching on to my idea by now. Basically, these dummy projectiles would passively fire a few times per second, and since they'd have the same trajectories as the shot you have loaded, they'd in theory act as an accurate prediction of exactly where your own shot will hit, giving you a "laser dot sight", except it's like a laser dot that actually predicts the trajectory of your shot.


Since unlike most weapon enchantments, this would not actually be an offensive enchantment that applies to your attacks, it might be that this enchantment should be unlimited, with no need for recharging. Or you could make it so that the charge of the enchantment drains when the dot sight is activated.

Also, if someone wanted make this more intricate, you could tie the magnitude of the enchantment to the speed of the dummy-projectiles. That way, if the enchantment was done by an enchanting novice and/or with a weak soul gem, it would take longer before the dummy projectile actually reached the target you where aiming at, making it so that the dot-aim-indicator-effect(whatever you want to call it) "lags behind" a little, limiting its use in fast aiming. Whereas if the enchantment has high magnitude, the dummy-projectile velocity would be such that the dot effect would almost perfectly follow where you were aiming, with no noticeable delay, making it more useful for quickly targeting opponents.


Anyway, I thought this was an interesting idea if nothing else. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thank you for reading and perhaps considering my idea.

Edited by abborre
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