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My 'numpad favorites' AutoHotKey script magically stopped working yesterday, please help!


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I just fired up my game last night and discovered that the AutoHotKey script I've been using forever to enable me to access my favorites via the numpad no longer works. When the game first came out, you could use the numpad. If you guys remember, they took that away in an update early on. I've been using this simple script ever since then. It always worked 100% perfectly, up to and including when I last played 2 days ago. Then last night, after making no changes (no updates to anything, no mods added or removed, etc.) I suddenly cannot switch weapons via the numpad anymore.

My numpad keys work, as verified outside the game. AutoHotKey works, as other scripts of mine work without issue. My assigned favorites work, as I can change weapons via the 'number row' on the keyboard.
The only thing that changed, which I found peculiar, was that my F4SE launcher wouldn't work when I started up the game. It kept wanting to use the normal game launcher (with the power armor face and you have to hit PLAY) and I had to run the F4SE launcher as administrator to get it to work. I normally run the game with F4SE but I've tested the hotkey issue both with and without it (thinking maybe the window is titled differently? but it isn't) and it makes no difference.

Is/was anybody else experiencing this issue? It's very frustrating, this script is essential for me. (Why Bethesda purposefully took away use of the numpad favorites in the first place is beyond me, but that's neither here nor there.) If anybody can offer any help, I'd be very thankful.

By the way, the script's code is:

#SingleInstance ignore

IfWinActive, Fallout4


It also makes no difference if I remove the IfWinActive bit. I've tried a few different variations on this code to no avail. (Such as using a SetKeyDelay, using a send command after the :: , using return after each line, and adding ahk_exe to IfWinActive)


Please help! The game is unplayable to me right now if I can't switch weapons in combat the way I've been doing it the last 600 hours of gameplay...

Thanks so much in advance!

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Well, in case anyone finds this thread facing a similar problem, I found a work-around. It turns out that F4SE has a built-in means of re-binding the in-game keys. I found the answer on an old SteamCommunity forum post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/492379439688854019/ It's post # 7 by user Meredy. The post states:


- go here: http://f4se.silverlock.org/
- get the program.
- Edit the keys you want with the hexadécimal values here in the file "CustomControlMap.txt":
- Save it to [path to the game]\data\F4SE\
- Lauch the game with "f4se_loader.exe" instead of "fallout4.exe"
- Go in the menu->settings->control and hit the reset button for you
- Remap your keys if needed.
- Try your controls scheme if good you're set, otherwise modify again


If you have F4SE installed, you should already have the file CustomControlMap.txt on your hard drive somewhere, just search for it. The file is a little messy but you should be able to piece together everything you need to know. Change the values of the entries Quickkey1 - Quickkey12. For keys 0-9, replace 0x30 - 0x39 with 0x60 - 0x69, For Quickkey11, replace 0xbd with 0x6d. For Quickkey12, replace 0xbb with 0x6b.

Edited by thepeacemaker707
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Thanks for your workaround, i had the same issue as you with my autohotkey f*cked up when i updated Placeeverywhere to match the new version of F4SE.


It's working fine for everything outside workshop mod. But once the workshop mod entered, impossible to select a single item or to build one... I even have edited all entries in the "CustomControlMap.txt" related to activate/accept/enter/select/pick/whateverothersynonyms but nothing works, not even 'enter".


Anyone with any hints on how to figure this out? With autohotkey i had "C" to replace the "E"/"enter" command, which was working perfectly untli this happened...

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