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Robotech mods


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in all my time playing fallout with mods from NV to Fo4 i have not seen any Robotech mods, there are plenty of weapons, body armor and power armor that could be made.. i have no idea how to do this myself.. maybe is should take a dive into modding?

but yah

Southern Cross body armor, power armor, robots, and laser rifle and pistols

New Generation, has he Cyclone and CVR-3 body armor and weapons like the Gallant H-90 ( which has a pistol or rifle config)

even stuff from Robotech/macrsoss

there are RPG and Animation art books galore to use as references...

i would love to travel the commonwealth in Cyclone power Armor....

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I would love to ride a cyclone and be able to transform it when I wanted to carry it around with me inside of a place or walk somewhere without leaving it behind. The jets are 50ft tall they would be like driving liberty prime around but there is no flying in this game. Maybe get some of those big dam walking artillery pieces that stood on the hull of the SDF-1 while it was attacking something. I forget their names but those things were monsters with giant gun barrels for arms. One of them had four big gun barrels on the back and guns on each arm. Robotech was totally badass even if it was three totally and completely different shows smooshed together to bypass some crappy american tv broadcasting standard.

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