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Female ghouls missing body textures


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So I'm hoping someone here can help me figure this out cause I'm at a complete loss.


When visiting one of my settlements recently, I noticed that a female ghoul who was wearing a short sleeved outfit had purple forearms like she was missing a texture.


Using console commands, I removed her outfit and noticed that only her hands and head were textured. Her entire body was missing it's texture. Thinking it to be an issue of a missing or corrupted texture file I downloaded the Additional Body Textures mod in hopes that it would work. Nothing changed though, she was still missing her body texture.


Next thought was that a mod I was running was causing it with that thought I disabled all my mods to see if that would bring the texture back...nothing.


It's only the female ghouls that's doing this. Human and Ghoul males, as well as human females all seem to have their textures. It's only the female ghouls that this is an issue with.

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