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Trying to fix Unhandled error: NPC_ \ Face Morphs


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I have a mod that keeps throwing errors and causing me to CTD when trying to enter Diamond City, I found about 12 or so Error, could not be resolved entries and removed them already, thinking this was the problem. Unfortunately, it didn't fix it. What I am finding is the following error messages, all in all about 44 of them that are mostly all the same


Unhandled error: NPC_ \ Face Morphs \ Face Morph \ FMRI - Index -> <Face morph index 36EF34C7 not found in HumanChildRace "<Error: No strings file for lstring ID 00024550>" [RACE:0011D83F]>


So, I am guessing, and this is a guess, but that the mod author tried to alter some npc's with new face morphs, or maybe add new npc's with these face morphs and the morphs aren't part of the mod? No idea really what this means, but if anyone could help me maybe try to fix it because I am at a loss. I've looked in FO4Edit and I am not seeing anywhere that this mod makes any alterations to the race sub-menu, and maybe that is the problem? I've tried opening the mod with the CK, but I have no idea what it is I am looking for in there.


My intention was to fix it myself, because the mod author has stated he's got a lot going on IRL, and I'd rather not bug him if he's not going to respond.


I really like the mod, or at least the older version of it, but after installing the latest one, I can't even get into the city, and deleting the mod doesn't seem to fix the problem.


Anyway, could really use some help here if any of you folks know what is going on, or has a clue about how to fix it, that would be greatly appreciated.


I've attached a file with all of the error reports that are generated when I used FO4Edit to check it for errors, if that helps.

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  • 7 years later...

I know this post is old, but if anyone else needs a fix, here's the one I found and use:


1. Open the mod in FO4edit.

2. Right click the mod in the left pane and select "check for errors".

3. When the face morph errors show up in the message window to the right, Ctrl+double click the formid.

4. Find another record of similar type (if a child has face morph errors, find another child that doesn't have errors) and Ctrl+single click it in the left pane to compare the two.

5. Scroll to the face morphs and adjust the errors. In my graphic, you can see that 000186b0 is supposed to be eyes, but eyes are 36ef34bf for this record.

What I like to do is pull up 2 fo4edit windows so I can Ctrl+c/Ctrl+v the records faster.

Let me know if anyone has a faster way...



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