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crash attempting to enter mechanist lair


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well there's not much else to say, it happens both going through the door and using coc command


plugins list





*weightless verti grenades myown.esp

*BoS Pilot Outfit Fix.esp


*Permanent Pacification.esp
*Better Burning Damage.esp
*Better Burning Damage - Extra Long.esp

*Homing Beacon.esp


*no stealth ap drain.esp
*Fast Firerate - Automatic Combat Shotgun.esp
*Binary Speech Checks V.4.esp

*Toggle Stealth Boy.esp
*Nuka-Grenade Craft.esp
*Nuka-World Collectable Markers.esp
*Better Homing Beacon.esp
*Tesla X01.esp
*More Power Armour Mods.esp

*coursercrusher betterrelay patch.esp

*FO4 NPCs Travel.esp

*remove minutemen from workshopnpc faction.esp
*Alien Encampments.esp
*Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp
*Submarine Base Echo.esp
*AA FusionCityRising.esp
*America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp
*Institute Safe House.esp
*Vertibird Alt Fix - Far Harbor.esp
*Vertibird Gatling Laser_Both.esp
*Institute Electrolasers Automatron.esp
*Vertibird Gatling Laser - myedit institute blue.esp

*vertibird institute attempt texture 2.esp

*CutieCurie - Default.esp

*Player Death - No Slowmo.esp






pls be nice in criticizing things


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A 100% ctd could be a sign of a specific issue, so that is something i guess.


You have of cause gone through the whole deal with loot>wrye>tesedit?


This is gonna sound weird, try emptying everything in you inventory into a workbench one at a time, if the game crash take notice of what items you where about to move, figure out what mod i touching that subject and take a closer look at it.


The reason i am even thinking this is because you have a lot of mods adding one or two small items, and i have found that they are sometimes the issue for whatever reason.


I'm not sure your ctd is world space related.

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No need to be scared. Like everything in this life it is a question of "trial and error". The worst thing that can happen is that you bork your game and need to start over. And it is pretty borked now.


There is an guide named "beginners guide" placed on top of this section of the forum.

Many miss it in their frustration, and rush to the thread section to get their issues resolved, all the while 99% of the solution is hidden in that guide.

But is a very good idea to use loot>wrye>tesedit>nmm in combination. People complaining that loot is not working are only using 1/4 of the solution.

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