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Open your OBMM and check your confliction overlaps if you have any, don't know if you have any conflictions period. But I will say this, I tested streamline 3.0 without any conflicting mods and I still had problems with CTD's, stuttering lags, etc. and that was with it activated. Although my machine is low end, I still benefited with having Streamline... but... now I've installed version 3.1 and I have no CTD's. I would recommend you try this. I am still curious of what will be in your OBMM conflict report though.
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Open your OBMM and check your confliction overlaps if you have any, don't know if you have any conflictions period. But I will say this, I tested streamline 3.0 without any conflicting mods and I still had problems with CTD's, stuttering lags, etc. and that was with it activated. Although my machine is low end, I still benefited with having Streamline... but... now I've installed version 3.1 and I have no CTD's. I would recommend you try this. btw, I do have another pc, which is much better than this laptop.. but it's my work platform to mod and test everything ^ ^
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Open your OBMM and check your confliction overlaps if you have any, don't know if you have any conflictions period. But I will say this, I tested streamline 3.0 without any conflicting mods and I still had problems with CTD's, stuttering lags, etc. and that was with it activated. Although my machine is low end, I still benefited with having Streamline... but... now I've installed version 3.1 and I have no CTD's. I would recommend you try this. I am still curious of what will be in your OBMM conflict report though.


i have lots of conflicts, but i have them set up so that just the things i want will shine through :)

there are usually no problems with conflicts, other than crazy eyes sometimes :)


Are you using any of the following like Musical Immersion 1.0, Atmospheric Oblivion, Streamline 3.0 or any other mods that make script alterations to environments like Supreme Magicka? Have you got Obmm and can you determine the conflictions? A report can help others to help you. Since I have a low end machine, Streamline 3.0 was a problem for me constantly, but version 3.1 works great.


hmm, i had no idea there was an update! i will have to get that.


...the crashes happen inside of buildings, and usually when fighting, but sometimes when i hit a trap...

So it mostly happens when there are a lot of objects onscreen or flashy effects? A lot of times, Oblivion rather than freezing or skipping like most games, will just crash if your CPU hits 100 percent. Is there anything running in your background that may be using your systems resources?


well, the last crash was in a small shack, but most of the other ones were in big dungeons. haha, thats probably what it is right there. i usually run oblivion with nothing in the background aside from essential system things. i kinda want to make one of those old school DOS boot things for oblivion, that way i can have my computer 100% dedicated to it, instead of like 95% :/ sadly i have no clue how to do that. windows xp wont let you boot into dos either :[

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i have lots of conflicts, but i have them set up so that just the things i want will shine through :)

there are usually no problems with conflicts, other than crazy eyes sometimes :)


Those conflicts still can cause the game to go crazy. An alternative thing you can do is clean out your data folder. Back everything up and move your old data folder, make a new data folder and re add your mods, but dont add ones you dont really use all the time. I did this, after experiencing various piss me off CTDs i havent had one since and run about 200 moids, i also ummmmm just realized i booted streamline because i guess my system didnt suck bad enough to need it.


But i also found out through trial and error OBSE causes Random ( very very rarely ) crashes, and if you use blackluster swords and the dual style blackluster sword mod.

Example: I equipped the great sword, then tried to equip the greatshield and my video settings were too low, game CTD when i equipped the swords.


And just so you know i have my cosmetic mods first ( Beautiful people, Body replacers, ect) and deadly reflex the verylast in my list. the rest of the mods are in the list randomly unless it is a patch ( patch=diffrent esp.)


And finally various texture mods could be screwing you up too.....My guess is you have your settings at high, and probably run the game below 1280 x1040 ( minimun hi-rez ) although if you have your rez setting higher than that it dont matter than.


I have found out through the mods i use, There can be MAJOr conflicts, which cause the game to CTD on start up, and minor conflicts, which will let you play maybe an hour or so than a CTD. I heard through the grape vine deal with it. i wont deal with it.......All this is how i got my OB to stop CTDng. ( for awhile )

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