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How Do I Make a Patch for weapon/armor mods and Valdacil's?


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I know how to do this for things like holotapes and grenades--just add [holotape] or [grenade] in front of the name--but it looks like Valdacil's doesn't sort weapons and armors that way. Anyone know how to do this?

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The easiest way, i have found, is to use "rename anything" with defui/vacidils brackets and tags, and then just tag it on the fly.



I just simply can't be bothered to make hard tags anymore, there is always some new thing missing a tag, and like you , i got to weapons and armor tags and just said "fak'it"


It grinded my gears for the first few hours that stuff was missing tags, then i realized that the stuff that needs tags are actually only 5-6 things+ scrap/junk for convenience. Those are your 2 favorite weapons, ammo, your aid/food, your setting/aid holotapes, and the one sorting valuables from scrap. The rest is just a big pile of "to be scrapped or sold", and don't really need a tag.


*Rename anything was a godsend.

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