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Looking for suggestions


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Got a game going right now that has a full mod list... 255 not counting graphic only mods. I'm enjoying the current game but it'll be ending soon as I have a new PC coming in the next couple of weeks. That means that a new game will be getting started and looking for some suggestions and help on a new series of mods. Current game is using Horizon as the base Overhaul mod but I'm thinking about switching over to Immersive Gameplay. I enjoy Horizon and it's got a lot of cool changes, but based on the description and on my own experiences, it doesn't work to well with other mods that I consider most haves.


Most have mods for me are:


Sim Settlements and most of the user made add-ons. Seriously, has to be the best mod ever made.

Raider Overhaul

Super Mutant Overhaul

Power Armor Overhaul

Minutemen Overhaul

Unique NPCs

Better Settlers

Darker Nights

True Storms

Armorsmith Extended

Start Me Up

Zombie Walkers (named changed back to ghouls, used to slow them down and make ghouls more walker like)


I have tons of other mods as well, as I mentioned, but those are ones that I need in my games. I only ever play survival, too. Looking for suggestions on mods that will logically adjust items weights.. weapons, armor, ammo, junk items as well. One of my long standing goals is to always find mods that bring together the functions of multiple mods I use to lessen the impact on my load order... hence Unique NPCs become a must have, replaces ALOT of .esps!

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