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He did once, but I believe he has since removed it. If you are searching for a face savegame to get ideas or to use yourself, try doing a search for the race and gender of what you want. For example, searchin "Breton Female" returns quite a few results of characters that have been uploaded for people to use. You can even find a few celebrities.
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Actually, yes you can. You can force the game to reopen the character menu (from the beginning of the game). press the ~ key, then type showracemenu and press enter. Do NOT press ~ again to close that console, just make your changes and then save your game and exit. then reload your game.


If you want to transfer the face of a character you downloaded onto your old character, that can be done too. But I need a few minutes to find the link to the program you need.


EDIT: This is the program to copy the face of one character and transfer it to another.


I've used it a couple of times, it seems to work quite well, but I was just playing around with it, I'm not very "versed" in its use.

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