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Skyrim is Crashing


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I could use some help figuring out why my Skyrim is crashing

I started playing skyrim some time after it came out (2012 or 2013 maybe) and had over 530 hours into the game, I started having very long load times and tried fixing that but couldn't and maybe screwed up my saves etc when it was more likely that my computer at that time had reached it's limits with the mods I had installed

I have a much better computer now and the load times are much shorter, reinstalled some but not all of the mods I had installed from before (couldn't remember all of them) Skyrim now loads but crashes

Skyrim will crash when saving, going through a door, opening a menu and the time varies as to when it happens

I can start a new game but only if I load my very first save before character creation ( clicking new game opens the intro but it's all messed up)

Any ideas how I can fix this?


Joel Mahla

Attached is a list of the mods installed and their load order set by Loot



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I would start with the basics. First, verify your game cache through Steam. That way, you'll know that the base game files are good. Then, start a brand new game from the opening menu. See if the issues you're having are persisting. If not, then the problem was your save. If yes, then the problem is in your mods.


I'm not familiar with every mod you have installed, but you need to understand that if you install more than one mod which changes the same thing, then you're going to have issues. It looks like you have at least two mods which affect the follower script and three which affect kill moves. You also have several mods which make big, sweeping changes to the game such as Hunterborn and Climates of Tamriel.


One change that I would suggest making is to get rid of Safety Load and use Crash Fixes. Safety Load helps with the infinite load screen in certain very specific instances. It is not a blanket fix. Crash Fixes looks at several issues and gives you specific fixes for each problem. I've found it much more helpful.

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