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Alistair + Male Warden Inquisition mod


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Okay, so I went through the Keep to put in my World. But I modded Origins so my male warden could romance Alistair, and the sodden Keep won't let me pick it since it's not an option without the mod. Not a major thing, I know. But my warden had this epic romance going and ran off into the sunset with a grey warden Alistair and I get way too connected to my characters. So, I would love if there was a way to fix this.

(Is it even possible? I know nothing about modding.)



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Did I understood it correctly, you want to unlock the conversation options for them as with the "man - woman relationship"? ( so ​​they talk about each other, etc. )

As far as I know, this should be technically possible but as BioWare itself has only made the one option available, I'm afraid so that the conversations remains the same and can't be adjusted to a same-sex relationship. :sad:

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Barlet89 is correct. There are mods that allow one to have an otherwise "impossible" romance in-game, (e.g. Morri+FemWarden or Alistair+MaleWarden) but those choices are not options in the Keep. The Dragon Age Keep is not a "game" installed on one's computer. It's a website with its code running securely (we hope!) on the EA servers. So it is not possible to "mod" the Keep.

And the Keep's code includes logic to explicitly prevent any final results that are not possible in the vanilla game. So for example you also can't create a Tapestry where Alistair executes Loghain at the conclusion of the Landsmeet and still marries Anora.

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Couldn't you do this with the save editor? I have no experience with using it, so I don't really know how it all works.


Because of the amount of variables involved, it seems the easiest path would be to create your world state in the Keep with a female Warden that romances Alistair and all of the other choices that you made with the mod. Then go and switch the Warden's gender in the save editor. That is just a single variable to edit.


BUT the problem here is that there is no dialogue for a male Warden who romanced Alistair in DAI, so even if you get it to work, Alistair will use female pronouns if referring to the romance. At that point, it seems more like something for your own peace of mind (that is, knowing the save game shows the m/m romance) than something that is actually reflected in the game itself.

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@nightscrawl; The actual previously saved games from DAO and DA2 (the ".das" files) don't matter for DA:I. There's no such thing as an "imported save", only an "imported world-state" from the Dragon Age Keep. And you can only establish a world-state in the Keep out of the vanilla game choices that are made available. So editing your saves doesn't help.

And because Alistair as the LI for a MaleWarden isn't one of those choices, the closest one can come is to use a generic FemWarden, and make all the rest of the choices the same as the ones that were made in-game. Yes, Alistair will then refer to the Warden as "she/her", since in the vanilla game that's the only gender possible for a Warden with whom Alistair could be IN_LOVE. (Similarly, for a FemWarden who romanced Morrigan one would use a generic MaleWarden in the Keep and make the selections. In which case all of her references to "My Warden" are "he/him", for the same reason.)


Hey, at least the Champion is the correct gender, no matter who s/he romanced! (No one romances Sebastian anyway, right?)

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^ Yes, I know how the Keep works. You misunderstood me. The editor is for editing DAI saves, not DAO/2 (or maybe all three, I'm not sure). There are guides about editing the amount of power points, or using it to fix Leliana's hardening, and so on. My suggestion was to edit the DAI save to change the Warden gender variable after you have imported the Keep world state with a female Warden who romanced Alistair. After you import that Keep world state, that information is baked into your game.


The only things that are reflected of your Warden in the actual DAI save game are gender, race, origin, class, and alive/dead. Your Warden's custom name isn't in there, only their origin surname (Amell, etc), their appearance isn't in there. It doesn't matter if you use a generic female Warden for this. It seems to me that my theory is correct. You could set up your Keep world state with a female warden of whatever race, origin, class that you actually used for your male, and then do all of your same choices, including the Alistair romance, and then use the save editor to change the gender as just a single variable.


The earliest opportunity for a save in DAI is on the bridge with Cassandra. So you finish the opening cinematic stuff, save on the bridge, and then leave your game and edit that DAI save to change your Warden's gender.


The save file doesn't have logic checks and most of the choices are boolean, yes/no. So you might be able to use this to get around the logic checks that are present in the Keep.



Now whether this would actually work and not bug out horribly is another matter entirely. And the point still stands that the dialogue is only written for a female Warden, so the female pronouns would be heard.


The other issue would be in the Keep reading the DAI information, and I have no idea how doing this would affect it, especially since that DAI information would be used for importing into DA4, whenever that comes along, so the logic checks would take over again for the Alistair romance.

Edited by nightscrawl
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@nightscrawl; Ahhhh... You're right. I had misunderstood and thought you meant editing a DAO save. :wacko:


And I think @aynia is, indeed, SOL. The only reason to go through the hassle of editing in the first place would be to get the references to the Warden to match a player's previous (modded) game. Even if DAI had the entries "Alistair DAO Romance Status = IN_LOVE" and "DAO Warden = MALE" hidden away in some table, if the in-game voiced lines don't match up... why bother? :pinch:


@aynia; No, it's not just you. My Morrimancing DAO FemWarden cringes every time DAI Morrigan refers to her as "he/him" as well. And that's a lot more times than DAI Alistair refers to his Hero of Ferelden! :laugh:

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