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What AI package controls settler work schedule?


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Hi there,


I've got a problem with one of my mods, whereby it's making settlers across the game continue to work until midnight. So they go straight from working to sleep.


Normally they stop at 8pm, idle about, then sleep at midnight.


Now, I've got some characters (non-settler) that have custom AI packages assigned.


And I know DefaultMasterPackage has the general "midnight sleep" rule in it.


But I honestly can't figure out what I've done to keep them working all the way thru til midnight.


DefaultSleepNoLocks AI also looks normal.


One thing I can't do is check what a typical Settler is using in terms of AI packages. How do I check that? I figure investigating that would allow me to spot inconsistencies.


And if you have any idea what I might have mistakenly altered in an AI package to prevent them from stopping work at 8pm, it would be very useful for me to get this bug fixed.


Thanks for your help! m0ds

Edited by m0ds1984
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not sure wat you mean by custome, did you just took any package and edited it ?, or did you duplicate and or made a new 1?

just editing a existing 1 carry over to all the same packages


as for sleeping/work time package have tabs look under shedule if you changed something there


for any settler pick actors search for workshop, it will show the workshop settlers, under templates uncheck the use ai package, tat way you can check the pakages they use

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Thanks speedy. I did make that mistake originally with the first AI package or 2 but pretty sure I set it back. I've looked over the "default" ones and compared them against unloaded mods (fallout4.esm only) but didn't spot anything in particular.


Thanks for the workshop NPCs, I've checked their packages and had a look to see if I had altered them somehow, but does not seem to be the case (in any obvious way, that is).


However, I still cannot determine what stops them working at 8pm. Sure, I see the sleep at midnight setting in schedule, but not sure what's controlling them to stop work at specifically 8pm? It's that command that seems to be having a problem.

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i never messed much with the packages( but i never used any option under templates, just a renamed package), but i can remember the wb scrip had a option to but it was for worker/24 hour


if you use a selfmade custome and or duplicated/renamed 1, give them a stock 1 for testing (like defaultsandbox) and see wat happens, if they act like they should then, your package have something altered, if they stil act the same, well i don't know much else then


mm forgot if i remember correct even without a package they should act like they should(like any other settler)


oww i did re read your first post, did you used by any change a sleep package ?, if so it should have a time(schedule) in 1 of the tabs, prolly the working ending time, if i'm right it should say 8.00 or something like tat, and if you use a sleeping package i bet yours say 12.00/24.00

Edited by speedynl
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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks speedy! I couldn't find it in sleep package, but you gave me an idea and after checking other things like that, it turns out it was AI package "relaxation20x4" (which tells them to relax from 8 onwards, you're right, i had set it to midnight!)

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